Annual General Meeting 2021

Welcome to the websites of the Annual General Meeting of METRO AG on 19 February 2021. Here you can find information about the Annual General Meeting and the internet-based, electronic shareholder portal.

The Annual General Meeting of METRO AG was held on

Friday, 19 February 2021, at 10:00 a.m. (CET),

as a virtual general meeting without physical presence of shareholders or their proxies.

Shareholder Portal and Livestream

The entire Annual General Meeting will be broadcast live (video and audio) for duly registered stockholders and their proxies on METRO AG's internet-based, electronic shareholder portal (German language only). The exercise of voting rights of holders of ordinary shares can also be done via the shareholder portal. This year – also in case of an authorisation of third parties – voting rights can only be exercised by way of postal vote or by issuing powers of attorney and instructions to the proxies nominated by the Company.

On the day of the Annual General Meeting the speech of the Chairmen of the Management Board was streamed live on the internet for everybody’s interest, starting at approx. 10:10 a.m. CET.

Presentation to the speech of the Chairmen of the Management Board
Presentation to the speech of the Chairmen of the Management Board

Invitation and Documents

Invitation to the Annual General Meeting on 19 February 2021

Agenda including the proposal of the Management Board regarding the appropriation of the balance sheet profits and further information, in particular regarding

  • the terms and conditions for participation at the Annual General Meeting and the exercise of voting rights,
  • the record date and its relevance pursuant to § 123 Section 3 German Stock Corporation Act (Aktiengesetz),
  • the exercise of voting rights via postal vote,
  • the exercise of voting rights by a proxy,
  • information about rights of shareholders pursuant to § 122 Section 2, § 126 Section 1, §§ 127, 131 Section 1 German Stock Corporation Act, Article 2 § 1 COVID 19 Act,
  • the total number of shares and voting rights at the time of the calling of the Annual General Meeting,
  • a reference to the Company's website via which the information pursuant to § 124a German Stock Corporation Act is made available as well as
  • a curriculum vitae of Mr Roman Šilha, Mr Jürgen Steinemann and Mr Stefan Tieben regarding agenda item 6,
  • description of the remuneration system for the members of the Management Board regarding agenda item 7, and
  • a description of the proposed remuneration system for the members of the Supervisory Board regarding agenda item 8.

Please note
The legally binding language for the agenda of and the general information on the Annual General Meeting 2021 of METRO AG is German. Accordingly, only the German version constitutes the legally binding document while the English version is a convenience translation only.

Invitation General Meeting 2021
Invitation General Meeting 2021

Annual Report 2019/20 - Consolidated Financial Statements

Approved consolidated financial statements of METRO AG and combined management report for METRO AG and METRO group for the financial year 2019/20, including inter alia the report of the Supervisory Board and the remuneration report.

Annual Report of METRO 2019/20
Annual Report of METRO 2019/20

Annual Financial Statements 2019/20

Adopted annual financial statements of METRO AG for the financial year 2019/20.

Annual Financial Statements of METRO AG 2019/20
Annual Financial Statements of METRO AG 2019/20

Proposed amendment of the Articles of Association

Synoptical juxtapposition of the current version of § 13 of the Articles of Association of METRO AG and the intended changes of this regulation according to the resolution proposal under agenda item 8.

Proposed amendment of the Articles of Association
Proposed amendment of the Articles of Association

Articles of Association of METRO AG

Version: resolution of the Annual General Meeting of 14 February 2020

Articles of Association of METRO AG
Articles of Association of METRO AG

Notice: All documents published above are non-binding convenience translations. In all cases the German language version shall prevail.

Voting Results

Voting results of the Annual General Meeting of METRO AG on 19 February 2021.

Voting Results
Voting Results

Information about the Dividend

Resolution on the appropriation of the balance sheet profits by the Annual General Meeting 19 February 2021
Dividend cut-off date 19 February 2021
Trading of METRO share without dividend payment (Ex Date) 22 February 2021
Dividend Record Date
23 February 2021
Payment Date 24 February 2021
Paying agent Deutsche Bank AG


Any confirmations of the Company in connection with the Annual General Meeting, in particular with regard to the voting, may be accessed by the entitled persons in the Shareholder Portal or may be request via e-mail at

For details on the handling of your personal data and the corresponding rights of shareholders and their proxies under the GDPR , please refer to our data protection notice.